1. The simple and innocent beauty of my kids.
2. The power of chewy lifesavers (helps with the cooperation thingy).
3. The continual unpreparedness for the inevitable winter that relentlessly arrives year after year.
4. How quickly the year went by....is it seriously almost Christmas?
5. My dogs untiring commitment to rebel against obedience class.
6. The state of our economy and those affected by it.
7. How happy Christmas lights make everyone.
8. The magnetic forces that are linking my car to the Starbucks drive through daily.
9. The excitement and joy I get from capturing the perfect moment for my clients, for myself, for my family, for my friends. It makes me happy to see the moment in the lens and then remember to tell my finger to snap it!
These portraits are "proof" that my kids can actually be saints....well....some of the time...and...if I'm honest...under the influence of sugar.