So, here I am on a Thursday night waxing philosophical when I should be working. I don't do this often, maybe I should do it more. Nonetheless, occassionally something touches me so profoundly that it doesn't just leave a mark it seems to change who I am just a little bit. I recently came across a video of a man by the name of Randy Pausch who is dying of pancreatic cancer. He gave a lecture entitled "The Last Lecture" which has now been seen by millions of people around the globe. An amazing lecture really.
The Last Lecture is a reminder that we really don't have long on this planet and some have much longer than others. This isn't news in and of itself, however, isn't it amazing that people don't really live their lives accordingly - especially knowing what we know. Another photographer friend of mine said "it really does make you want to love your family out loud." Those words rang true to me. I am going to really try to do exactly that. Why not one more hug and kiss, why not one more story, why not enthusiastically greet your kids the minute you see them as if they are exactly who you were hoping to see, why not listen intently to the rules of their make believe game and play it with zest, why not pay attention to everything you never wanted to know about bugs when your child is teaching you, why not treat your spouse the way you treat your closest and dearest friend, why not turn your cell phone off in the car, why not tell someone you love them even though they already know, and most importantly....why not ask yourself "why not?"
If your interested....you can visit http://www.thelastlecture.com/ to see for yourself what has greatly inspired me. Randy Pausch just released a book yesterday entitled, The Last Lecture.
And...I included just one fun picture for today...just because his cute little face makes me smile.
Now, back to work!